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Posts by Dave

Seat Selection

Maybe I should try this for our trip to Florida next month? 🙂

Retro Games Destroy NYC

All the Single Ladies. Except You!

I found this via Contexts.org; made me smile. Clearly going soft in my old age:)

FML Notes: Judging Potential

Assessments When you begin assessing a player (0% assessed), the game generates two values: An initial offset, which can be +/-40 PA from the player’s actual Potential Ability (on a scale of 1-200). A final offset, which can +/- up to 40PA, depending on the manager’s Judging Potential [...]

Galactic Empire State of Mind

Definitely the funniest video I've ever seen online, the lyrics are unbelievable good.

Lightsabers grinding
Palpatine's smiling
Cause he knew it would come to this
The light side is blind with casualties
Who do evil casually, then gradually become worse
Don't fight your destiny
Wasn't a great dad, true
Absent all the while
No happy times behind us, and plus, now I'm killin' you
Keep fencing mister, 'cause now I sense a sister
You don't go bad, maybe I'll enlist her
Now Emperor wants you, only wants me rubbed out
You controlled your anger, stayed light side devout
Watch out kid, he's got lightning bolts to immolate Uh-uh, hell no, daddy powers activate
End this prune with a badass murder suicide
Bald headed, mask off, heart melted kid you were right
Burn all my gear so those Ewoks can't wear it again
Do it, I'll be watching you, a ghost, name of Anakin

FML Notes: Breaking Even with Learning Skills

I calculate the break even points for the learning skills as: level 1: 400k points learned ~ 10 days learning to have more points in the category than if you hadn’t learned anything level 1-2: 610k points learned ~ 16 days learning to have more points in the category than if you had only learned [...]
Dead Rising Map

Dead Rising Survival Pack

I’ve returned to another long neglected game this week: Dead Rising. Thankfully there’s a great interactive map available because after 4 years it’s fair to say it’s been a while since I tried to find my way around the Willamette Parkview Mall. Map

Jump in my Car

It’s taken 4 years, but the greatest music video in the history of music videos has finally made its way onto YouTube!


Parallel Career

A timely strip from Dilbert this weekend. Honestly, the majority of my week was spent modifying PowerPoint slides so that they more accurately represented our status as it should look, without actually changing the underlying data. This week I made some PowerPoint slides that have no particular [...]

Best Snowball Fight, Ever

The Internet never ceases to amaze 🙂

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