Time to Earn Some Dough


Steal the beared bonds from the warehouse

Brick Johnson

I have a nice, simple smash and grab for you. There's a warehouse in Port Oakes that just got a shipment of bearer bonds in. I've got a doohickey that will override the lock on the crates, and since you'll be doing all the hard work, I'll even make it an attractive 90/10 split, where I will only take 10% of the profit? This job is too good to pass up!

Here's the doohickey, just wave it in front of the crate. There will probably be some port authority guys there, but you can handle them.

ClueCreate Unlocker

This hightech marvel will unlock the specific crate with the bearer bonds.

Part 1: Steal bearer bonds (2 crates to locate)
Warehouse @ Port Oakes Arachnos,Rogue Island Police

The doohickey seems to be tracking the crates.

Objective: This create is not as full of bearer bonds as you were lead to believe.

Objective: You found some orders on one of the soldiers.


One of the soldiers had written orders to ambush you, tracking you through a device given to you by Brick Johnson. The orders come from a Lieutenant Fossil, who must not be happy with your current status and decided to put a hit out on you.

Mission Complete: You fended off the Arachnos ambush!

Brick Johnson

Hey, I know what you are thinking, you want to beat me into a pulp right now... but let me explain.

Lt. Fossil wanted you dead, and he has information on lots of us Arachnos soldiers that could get us thrown in the brig, or worse. He waited until you contacted one of us and then blackmailed us into setting you up into that ambush. I know you will probably never trust me again, but if you want to take the risk, I can tell you which base Lt. Fossil is working in right now. He won't be expecting the likes of you to show up. You could beat him seven ways 'til Sunday for what he tried to do to you. I think you'd agree that this would be an excellent plan.

I was just following orders.

Pose as a Hero to trap Lt. Fossil

Brick Johnson

OK, here is the plan. Lt. Fossil is holed up in Port Oakes. He's hiding out ordering his men around. He normally doesn't get his hands dirty, as you know combat can be dangerous. He usually just throws subordinates at the problem until the problem goes away. However, he can't resist a 'big score' on his record. If you were to pose as a Paragon Hero while taking down his base, he would most definitely try to take you down himself.

You should go and visit the Facemaker in Cap au Diable, it might be a little rough getting to her, but you're the resourceful type. Call in some favors if you have to. She will set you up with a new costume that you can use to look less like an Arachnos soldier.

Part 2: Get Paragon Hero Disguise from the Facemaker
Delivery @ Cap au Diable
The Facemaker

Yes yes, Alan told me you were coming. I have just what you need, if you have the infamy to pull it off!!

I have given you early access to another Costume Slot. Speak with my nurses to have them tailor up a new costume for you, so you look less, Arachnos, if you wish. When you finish, you can find Lt. Fossil in the sewers in Port Oakes.

Part 3: Deceive and defeat Lt. Fossil (Defeat Lt. Fossil)
Sewers @ Port Oakes Arachnos

The disguise is working, the base's automated systems see you as an invading Paragon Hero.

Mission Complete: You showed Fossil you were the real deal!

Brick Johnson

Great job! Lt. Fossil seems to be in a coma after all the hurt you put down on him. He won't be talking to anyone for a long time, plus I think his plans to take you down are at an end.

Man you ARE as good as Alan says.

If you are serious about this Destined One fetish, you really should be talking to a Fortunata, and I know just the one.

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