Crey Salvage Operations


Fight Crey Operatives in Crey's Folly to disrupt illegal salvage

Philipa Meraux

Crey's Folly was declared a hazard zone and walled off during the early stages of reconstruction. Whatever Crey was working on out there, it ruined the whole area when the Rikti blew it up. As a hazard zone, it's supposed to be off-limits to non-authorized entry, but Crey has been performing salvage operations out there anyway. And all the trouble they stir up keeps coming right back into the city. Crey's salvage operations out in Crey's Folly are illegal and need to be stopped. And the only way to do that is to bring Crey operatives to justive in that zone.

Though Crey's lawyers are trying to tangle the whole thing up in court, right now Crey's salvage operations are illegal, and pose a threat to the city at large. They've ben seen out in Tangle Town and the old Paragon Water Works, but anywhere you can catch them should still help.

Part 1: Defeat Crey in Crey's Folly (Defeat 35 Crey)
Defeat X @ Crey's Folly
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