The Eternal Nemesis


Notable Foes

Find solid evidence of the connection between Lockhart and Nemesis

Maxwell Christopher

I keep finding interesting new things in the files you found detailing Nemesis' hidden business dealings and front companies. We can't move on all of it right away or else Nemesis will figure out where we got the information, but it can help to start an investigation. This time, it's helped on a big one. I don't know if you're familiar with Tyrone Lockhart and his company, Lockhart Aerotech, but he's been under investigation for a while for aiding the Sky Raiders, so he's a pretty bad guy. Here's where it gets good: it turns out that Lockhart Aerotech has connections to more than just the Sky Raiders. According to the records you recovered, Lockhart has had a long-running relationship with Nemesis. They've done manufacturing and prototyping for Nemesis for years, even before the business with the Sky Raiders. If we can fidn solid evidence of the connection between Lockhart and Nemesis, that'll take the case against Tyrone and the battle against Nemesis off in a whole new direction.

I'll warn you though. This is going to be difficult, and it's probably only the start of something much larger.

All right. The first step is going to be a raid on a Lockhart warehouse that's often used as a drop off for Nemesis Army munitions made by lockhart. I don't know what kind of trouble you'll run into, but I doubt it will be undefended.

Part 1: Find evidence in warehouse
Warehouse @ Brickstown Nemesis

Objective: This crate is full of ammunition for Nemesis-made weapons.

ClueLockhart Aerotech business records

These business records seem to indicate that Lockhart Aerotech has been taking and filling orders for supplies from the Nemesis Army. There's mention of another facility where prototypes of Nemesis weapons are being sent for further research.

Objective: You found some hard evidence.

Mission Complete: You found some business records that point you to another Lockhart facility.

Part 2: Find evidence in lab (3 pieces of evidence to find)
Laboratory @ Brickstown

Though this looks like a Lockhart Aerotech lab, it only takes you moments to spot the Nemesis-designed equipment everywhere.

Objective: You notice that these weapons have recently been fired.

ClueMilitary weapons

You found these weapons in a Lockhart lab. These weapons are the latest military issue, and seem to have been test-fired recently.

Objective: You found some evidence in the computer's records.

ClueSecurity tape

The images recorded by the security system are potentially explosive. You see Tyrone Lockhart himself talking to Nemesis troops, conducting tests on Nemesis-designed equipment, and even conferring with what appears to be Nemesis himself. Several times he is even seen wearing a Nemesis Army unifrom.

Objective: You found some evidence in the computer's records.

ClueMilitary weapons tests

The records on this computer track tests made with the bets weapons the ilitary has against prototypes of new Nemesis armours and machines. The data gained from these tests would be invaluable for improving Nemesis' designs. For a military contractor, providing data like this to an enemy of the United States could be considered treason.

Mission Complete: You have uncovered solid evidence against Tyrone Lockhart and Lockhart Aerotech.

Maxwell Christopher

I've seen what you brought back, and it's jaw-dropping. oh, we have Lockhart dead to rights for usre. I'll get all of this to the right people. Check back with me soon, though. I'll keep you updated on the case.

Capture Tyrone Lockhart

Maxwell Christopher

The verdict on Tyrone Lockhart came down, Red Tomax. Conspiracy, aiding a known supervillain, even treason. The threw the book at him! He's not going down quietly, though. He bolted, and is currently hiding out with a bunch of Nemesis Army troops he had hidden in a Lockhart office, probably waiting for some last-minute extraction by Nemesis. Red Tomax, I don't want Tyrone Lockhart to escape. You're the one that found the key evidence, so I think it's only right that you get to capture Tyrone Lockhart.

I've marked the location for you. Lockhart and a couple members of his board of directors are holed up in there. Now that the game's up, they've shown that they're all Nemesis Army members, so they're going to put up a fight. But I know you can handle it.

Part 3: Capture Tyrone lockhart & his men
Office @ Random

The police have barricaded every exit from the Lockhart offices in this building and evacuated the surrounding floors. You're clear to go in and mop up.

Mission Complete: You have captured Tyrone Lockhart and his board of directors.

Maxwell Christopher

I saw the whole thing, Red Tomax. Fantastic stuff, and it's just the start. I'm already on the phone trying to subpoena as much od Lockhart's records as I can before the NSA declares it all top secret. I think there's going to be a log of very interesting information in there about Nemesis' plans and his forces.

Check back with me soon. I think I'm going to need your help again before too long.

Find Bentley Berkeley

Maxwell Christopher

I've started going through the files I've been able to get from Lockhart Aerotech. A lot of interesting things are already starting to turn up. It seems that Lockhart often used the Sky Raiders to do jobs for Nemesis, but the Sky Raiders didn't know who was really pulling the strings for the most part. Seems Nemesis was trying to either absorb them or set them up as fall guys.

Anyway, I found that the Sky Raiders recently performed an abduction for Lockhart on Nemesis' orders. The wierd thing is, I can't figure out why the must have grabbed the guy, and that got my interest. Nemesis never does anything without a reason, and it's usually something nasty. The victim's name was Bentley Berkeley. He's supposed to be immortal, and though I don't know much about him, I've heard that he's helped out against the 5th Column a couple of times. If you could find Bentley Berkeley, he could tell us why Nemesis might be interested in him.

This should be pretty easy for you. The Sky Raiders are the only ones who know where to find Berkeley. Put some pressure on them and they should start talking. Once we know where they're keeping Bentley Berkeley, the next step will be breaking him out.

Part 4: Interrogate Sky Raiders (Defeat 25 Sky Raiders)
Defeat x

Mission Complete: One of the defeated Sky Raiders told you what you wanted to know.

ClueBentley Berkeley's abduction

One of the defeated Sky Raiders told you:

'Geex, lay off! Yes, we grabbed that Berkeley guy. I remember it, because he was so polite the whole time it seemed really wierd. We dropped him off at a warehouse, as per our instructions. I can't tell you much more because we didn't ask any questions, but I'll tell you where the place was.'

Part 5: Find Bentley Berkeley (Find Bentley Berkeley)
Warehouse @ Dark Astoria

This old warehouse's interior has been recently refurnished and stocked with military supplies for the Nemesis Army.

Objective: You found information on Bentley Berkeley's location.

ClueBentley Berkeley's location

You found these transfer orders on a desk in the warehouse the Sky Raiders had bene ordered to take Bentley Berkeley to. They order Berkeley to be moved to a facility for medical research and experimentation. While there's no hint to the facility's location, there's enough detail that you can probably find it with the information from Lockhart's files.

Mission Complete: You found information on Bentley Berkeley's location.

Maxwell Christopher

Nemesis had Berkeley kidnapped for medical experimentation? That's pretty sick, but I wouldn't put it past Nemesis at all. It explains what they want with him, but it still doesn't explain why they'd want to conduct medical experiments in the first place. Biology really isn't Nemesis' strongest area. With the information you found there and what we ave in Lockhart's files I should be able to figure out where they might have taken Berkeley. Check with me soon.

Rescue Bentley Berkeley from Nemesis' forces

Maxwell Christopher

I was able to find where Nemesis' soldiers took Bentley Berkeley after the Sky Raiders handed him over to them. I think he's still at the location, too. All that you'll need to do it rescue Bentley Berkeley from Nemesis' forces. Not easy, I know. It gets more complicated, too. I still don't know the full story, but it seems that Berkeley was key to foiling some major scheme of Requiem's, and now the 5th Column wants Berkeley's head. Berkeley's become a bone of contention between the 5th Column and the Nemesis Army, so there's a good chance that the 5th Column may decide to take a shot to grab him. You'll need to be ready either way.

Once you find Berkeley, be sure to ask him if he knows why Nemesis wanted him in the first place. We know it had something to do with medical experiments, but we still don't know why Nemesis is working in that field, or if it ties together with any of the other work Nemesis was doing through Lockhart Aerotech.

Part 6: Rescue Bentley Berkeley (Find Bentley Berkeley)
Laboratory @ 'Crey's Folly'

This lab is well hidden underneath the old warehouse. If you hadn't learned of it's location, you never would have found it.

Mission Complete: You rescued Bentley Berkeley from Nemesis' forces.

ClueBentley Berkeley's story

After you rescued him from Nemesis' forces, Bentley Berkeley told you:

'I'm no stranger to getting kidnapped, but this was a bit much. Seems they weren't interested in what I knew, but in how I worked. The immortality, you see. Never understood it myself, just tried to deal with it. These fellas, though, they were all excited about studying me. Poking, prodding, vivisecting, all kinds of nasty stuff. So I'm pretty glad you got here before they started to get ambitious. Here's the capper, though:'

'From what I gather, these eggheads already had a pretty extensive plan for making a fella live for a long time, but they wanted to compare what they knew against a live sample. Like they already knew what they thought would work, but wanted to double check it against well, me.'

'Don't know if that helps you, pal, but you certainly helped me. Thanks again.'

Maxwell Christopher

According to what Berkeley told you, Nemesis captured him to study Bentley's immortality, and compare it to his own theories on immortality. We know that Nemesis is nearly 200 years old, but that was achieved more through cybernetic replacement than biology. Makes me wonder if Nemesis is looking to find a new way to extend his life.

The other big news is the 5th Column you saw there. The 5th Column and Nemesis have had an uneasy truce for a while, but this could be the spark that sets off a battle between them. If this is the start of a conflict between those two groups, it could get bad for a lot of people. I'll look into it. Check back with me soon.

Curb the battle between the Council and the Nemesis Army

Maxwell Christopher

I don't now if Nemesis intended to start a war with the Council, but it looks like that might be exactly what's happened. I'm getting reports that Council forces are clashing with Nemesis Army troops out in the open, and they aren't paying attention to anyone caught in the way. The battle needs to be stopped, or at the very least the people trapped in the area have to be evacuated.

City security responded quickly by locking down the area with a force field, but there are still a lot of people trapped inside. Whether you just concentrate on getting people out of there or take down every villain on those streets, you have to make sure no innocents get hurt. You'll need to get to the area by Light Rail.

Part 7: Stop Nemesis/Council battle (8 people to rescue)
Instanced Outdoor @ Lambert Place

You hear the sounds of men engaged in desperate combat.

Objective: This member of the Paragon City Police gave his life to protect the city's citizens. He was likely killed by a warwolf.

Mission Complete: You've gotten people to safety and done what you can to stop the battle between the Nemesis Army and the Council.

ClueA Nemesis soldier's story

After rescuing him from the Council, a Nemesis Army soldier told you:

'This is all your fault, Red Tomax! All of your recent successes against Lord Nemesis, trivial though they are to the larger plan, have made the Council think we're weak enough to take over. And your constant attacks distract our defenders! How can we do what is right and just in the eyes of Lord Nemesis when we are beset by so-called heroes like you and the monstrous armies of the Center and his Council fools!'

Maxwell Christopher

From what that Nemesis soldier told you and from what I've learned on my own, it looks like the Center has ordered the Council to strike directly at the Nemesis Army. We've done a lot to hurt Nemesis recently, so I guess the Center thinks that Nemesis has got to be pretty weak right now. This could get really bad, Red Tomax. Whoever wins will likely be able to absorb a lot of the other group's bases, material, and manpower. That could be catastrophic.

I've spent my whole career, hell, my whole life trying to bring Nemesis down. now he's at the weakest he's been since escaping General Sherman in the Civil War, but I disn't think something like this would happen.

Don't listen to me right now, Red Tomax. You've done great. Just check back with me soon. I'm going to try and figure out how serious this conflict is.

Hit the Council supply depot and scour it for intelligence

Maxwell Christopher

The Nemesis Army and the Council are going for each other's throats in an all-out war of conquest, and Nemesis seems to be losing. I can't believe it, but it looks like Nemesis's forces have been hurt worse than I ever suspected by all the defeats you've handed him. At this rate, the Center will be able to absorb Nemesis's entire organisation within a month. Then the Center would have Nemesis as a replacement for Vandal! They'd be unstoppable!

So, God help me, I need to ask you to help me, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but help me help Nemesis by attacking the Council. I've discovered a key ammo depot for the Council, I'd like you to hit the supply depot and scour it for intelligence>

Okay, you can either take out the weapons stockpiles or the personnel on the base. Either should work. You also need to find some intelligence that could help us target the next strike more precisely.

I know that this may not seem right, Red Tomax, but remember that were still hurting the Council, not supporting Nemesis. Taking Nemesis down for good is still my top priority, but I don't want to see some other megalomaniac like the Center benefit from that.

Part 8: Hit depot, find intelligence (9 weapons cahces, Find intelligence)
Council base @ Founders' Falls

This Council supply base is extremely busy, moving weapons and equipment to other bases to supply them in their battle against the Nemesis Army.

Objective: You found some orders about an upcoming inspection.

ClueReview schedule

These orders pertain to an upcoming review of the operations at several bases, including this one. More importantly, the orders have the schedule of Field Marshal Bulech, a high-ranking vampyr and the leader of the Council's war effort against Nemesis. Wth this information, you could decapitate the Council's battle plan in one swift attack, but you'll have to move swiftly.

Mission Complete: You destroyed the ammo supply facility, and found vital information about Field Marshal Cassidy, the head of the 5th Column's war effort against Nemesis.

Part 9: Defeat Cassidy & his aides
Council base @ Independence Port

Deep beneath the old warehouse above, you've found a hidden access to the Council base where Field Marshal Cassidyshould be, awaiting the review of his troops.

Mission Complete: You captured Archon Cassidy, hopefully crippling the Council's war effort against Nemesis.

Maxwell Christopher

With Cassidy under wraps, the Council's going to need to reorganise. I was hoping that it will be enough of a pause to even things out between the Nemesis Army and the 5th Column, and some of the reports I'm seeing already are pointing to that. Still feels wrong, though. Like it was too easy.

Like it was something Nemesis should have been able to do himself.

Like it was something to distract us.

Oh no. Oh, No, NO! I'm afraid of something, Red Tomax. Something bad. maybe i'm just paranoid. I hope i'm just paranoid. but maybe I haven't been paranoid enough. I've got to check on this. Talk to me soon.

Prevent Nemesis from usurping the Council's computer network and taking over their robots

Maxwell Christopher

This is my fault, Red Tomax. We've been used. Nemesis was only playing at being weak. He played on the Council's sense of superiority, by allowing them to win the early rounds. He played on our sense of accomplishment and made us think we'd hurt his forces badly, then let us distract ourselves by attacking his enemy for him. Now he's on the counter-attack.

Fortunately, we still have some information he doesn't know about, thanks to you. Nemesis' counter-attacks fit a pattern hinted at in the research funding he's done to reverse engineer Vandal's robot designs and computer programming. I think Nemesis is planning to take over the Council's computer and robotic infrastructure and archive a 'coup de tech'. The result would be as bad as if the Center had won. The first step to stopping him will be to prevent Nemesis from usurping the Council's computer network and taking over their robots.

The Nemesis Army has recently captured a Council computer center. Your job is to either capture it back, or to take the computers there offline before Nemesis can use them to take over the whole network. After that, you'll need to stop him from taking direct control of the Council's robots.

I feel like a fool, Red Tomax. I've spent my entire career fighting Nemesis, and now he uses me as a tool to send you against his enemies. But this isn't over. Nemesis hasn't won yet.

Part 10: Take Council computer center (8 computers to shut down)
Council base

This Council base is a hub of the Council's computer network. If Nemesis can take that over, it could give him control of their bases.

Mission Complete: You took the computer center offline, now you need to keep Nemesis from taking over the Council's robots.

Part 11: Take Council robot center (8 override devices to destroy)
Council base

A secret passage concealed in the sewer system leads to this base. It looks like the battle here was long over. It's good you're here to start a new one.

Mission Complete: You destroyed the override devices and prevented Nemesis from taking over the Council's robots.

Maxwell Christopher

You did it, Red Tomax. Nemesis won't be able to make an easy take-over of the Council now. I wish I had some good news to tell you now that you're back, but I'll give you the bad: We've been duped. Again!

While we were distracted keeping Nemesis from taking over the Council, Nemesis struck his real trarget. He managed to kidnap Nosferaru, the mad biomechanical genious responsible for the Council's Cor Leonis and vampyri. I don't know what he wants with him, but this can't be good.

I'm tired of being Nemesis' pawn, Red Tomax. I won't be used like this. I won't let him use us like this. I've spent my whole career fighting Nemesis, but I've never wanted to see him go down as much as I do right now. Talk to me soon. This isn't over.

Capture Nosferatu

Maxwell Christopher

At the conclusion of his battle against the 5th Column, Nemesis managed to capture Nosferatu, the mad doctor responsible for the 5th Column's Ubermen and vampyri. He used us, he used the 5th Column, and now he plans to use Nosferatu. What Nemesis wants him for is still a mystery, but I think it may have something to do with Nemesis' early kidnapping of the immortal Bentley Berkeley and all of the weapons testing and data gathering the Nemesis Army has been doing.

However, one thing I know is that I have no intention of letting Nemesis get away with any of this. Thanks to the documents you found a while back and Lockhart's files, I have a pretty good idea of where Nemesis might be holding his latest prisoner. I want you to go in there and capture Nosferatu.

Hunting down one wanted criminal and fighting another at the same time feels good again. no helping one bad guy to offset another, just doing the right thing from the start.

I'm betting that Nemesis is using Nosferatu to work on something related to biology, probably involving artificial life extension. Any information Nemesis might get on that could cause a lot of trouble, so you'll need to catch Nosferatu and anyone he may be directly working with.

Part 12: Capture Nosferatu & his assistants
Laboratory @ Founders' Falls

The exterior of this office building hides several secret levels housing a Nemesis-built research lab. Somewhere in here, Nosferatu himself is being held.

Nosferatu [Arch-Villain]
Few truly appreciate the genius of Nosferatu's super soldier program, and none more so than himself. Nosferatu was so entranced by his ability to create the super strong Vampyri that he became one of them. He has since improved upon his original design by granting himself several new abilities. He can mesmerize his opponents, leaving them helpless. Some say he can even siphon off the life force of his foes.

Mission Complete: You have captured Nosferatu, one of the leaders of the Council and a captive of Nemesis.

ClueTest data

This report collects a great deal of data gathered by Nemesis Army forces during the recent conflict between them and the Council. It seems that Nemesis was using the war against the Council to tets new weapons and equipment in field conditions. The report contains numerous notes on improvements to old Nemesis weapons and devices, and proposals for new equipment and weapons.

Maxwell Christopher

That's how you do it, Red Tomax! Nosferatu is in Ziggursky under heavy guard. He's wanted for so many crimes in so many countries it'll take half a decade for them to figure out who get's to try him for what and where they'll hold court. From all of the reports from his guards, Nosferatu is acting almost like this is a vacation. I suppose when your normal job is working for the Center, prison could be kind of relaxing.

Now we just have to figure out what Nemesis wanted Nosferatu's expertise for. I'm going to hit every contact I have who might know about Nosferatu's interrogation. Anything that he lets slip could lead us a step closer to Nemesis himself. This isn't over, but it's getting close.

Hit the same base Nemesis harvested Rikti technology from

Maxwell Christopher

I've found out a bunch of interesting things from Nosferatu's interrogation. It seems that Nemesis had abducted him specifically for his knowledge of life extension techniques. According to Nosferatu, Nemesis is pretty much a 180-year-old-brain and glandular system being kept alive in his powered armour, but those remaining biological pieces are dying. Nosferatu hasn't spoken yet about the final end of the project, but we know that part of it was testing that final product against Rikti biomorphing and Crey mind control technology. I'd like you to follow up on those angles. First, I want you to hit the same base Nemesis harvested Rikti technology from. maybe we can work backwards to find out what he was looking to protect himself against.

Your goal is to find information in there, not wipe the place out. I don't think anyone will compain if you do, but it's not a priority.

Longevity seems to be what's trying all of this together. If Nosferatu is telling the truth, we could be seeing Nemesis' last days now.

Part 13: Find clues in Rikti base (2 pieces of information to find)
Cavern @ Brickstown

These are clearly being used by the Rikti, but it seems that the aliens are in the process of moving out.

Objective: You found canisters of Rikti biomorphic gel.

ClueBiomorphic gel

The strange colloid contained in these canisters is used in the Rikti's transformation processes.

Mission Complete: You recovered a sample of the biomorphic gel Nemesis was working with and found out that it's used for brain alteration from a former member of the Lost who had been fully converted into a Rikti.

ClueA Lost Restructurist speaks

Though it was difficult to speak using his changed voice, the former Lost member told you:

Vocal communication: Difficult. Rikti form: Unsuited to vocalization. Was once: Member of Lost. Am now: Rikti. Faction: Restructurist. Task: Bio Engineer.

Base attacked: Nemesis. Reason: Theft of biomorphic gel. Gel used: Transformation process. Purpose: Neurological alteration of human brain to Rikti brain.

Now attacked by: Traditionalist RIkti Faction. Reason: reduction of human uplift rate. From me: Thanks for rescue.

My life: Not significant. Normal Rikti/human relation: Hostile. Reason for assisting you 1: Threat of Nemesis. Reason for assisting you 2: You save my cousin once.

Maxwell Christopher

If that bio-gel was used to alter human brains, that might explain some of Nemesis' interest. According to Nosferatu, he's pretty much just a brain in his armour anyway. The question is why would he be interested in defending a brain from it now? This all has to tie together, but I'm just not seeing it yet. There's stil the Crey connection to look into. I'll get that lined up for you. Check with me again soon.

Find out what Nemesis wanted from Crey

Maxwell Christopher

I've been looking into Nemesis and Crey. Crey may be under assault from all sides, but they're still trying to run a business. So when Lockhart Aerotech had to be split up, gess who came in to buy them? That's right, Crey Industries. I can't say how much Crey knew about Lockhart's connections to Nemesis beforehand, but the way they're gunning for Lockhart's assets now, I'm guesing that their goal is to scour the company for any bits of Nemesis technology they can find.

We know that Nemesis was interested in Crey's mind-alteration technology, so I did some digging and found that Nemesis had already infiltratd Crey, and used the buy-out of Lockhart as cover to transfer a lot of data to some of his own labs. I want you to find out what Nemesis wanted from Crey.

With all the data about Nemesis' organisation we have now, I can pinpoint where tat stolen data went. The Nemesis forces had to abandon the research facility where they're holed up in an old office watiing to be transferred to a new base. You just need to get the data and take out the Nemesis troops who are guarding it.

Part 14: Defeat base leader & his men (Find a clue to Nemesis' plan, find the stolen Crey data)
Abandoned office @ Crey's Folly

This old office seems odd at first, until you realize that it's not old at all. All the damage and wear has been carefully faked! Clearly a hide-out for Nemesis' forces.

Objective: You found something highly disturbing inside.

ClueA fridge full of brains

You found a number of refrigerated artificial brains that had been stolen from Crey by Nemesis' forces. The brains were marked as partof te 'Revenant Hero Program', and accompanying documentation shows that they were ready to be overlaid with tailor-made neural patterns and installed in an artificial fast-cloned body. Much is made of the improvement these will be over the traditional cloned blank brain used in the Revenant Hero Program.

Objective: You found an interesting file on this computer.

ClueDr. Hohenzoller's report

This report compares Crey artificial neural engineering to Nemesis' own work. The author, a Dr. Hohenzoller, cites numerous ways in which his preliminary analysis confirms that Nemesis' designs far surpass Crey's best work.

Mission Complete: You recovered the data on artificial brains Nemesis had stolen from Crey.

Maxwell Christopher

Artificial brains?

Artificial brains.

It makes sense, Red Tomax. I think I finally understand. Okay, so we pretty much always knew that Nemesis had heavily modified himself to survive the ravages of time. From Nosferatu we learned that what little there is lef of him is dying. So what would Nemesis do? Every other time part of his body failed, hereplaced it with an improved part he'd built himself. if his brain was finally dying, he'd do the same. If he decided to make a new vessel for his mind, he'd want to make it perfect.

He'd want to compare his design to someone who didn't age to make surehe was proof against that. he'd want to compare it against the best that the 5th Column could produce or enhance, so he'd compare it against theur vampyri and robots. He'd want it to be safe from even the advanced science of the RIkti, so he'd test itagainst their technology. He'd want to make sure that his work was not just superior to Crey's advances, but also immune to their mind control. And all the while, he'd be working on improving his cybernetic body, perfecting it to house his new brain.

I don't know if we can still stop him. I don't know if there's time. I do know that I'm willing to try. I've got to do some research. Talk to me again soon.

Stop Nemesis from making a new brain

Maxwell Christopher

Nemesis' plan to make a new artificial brain for himself has to be stopped. The last thing the world needs is for Nemesis to become more inhuman. With all of the information you've gathered, I've been able to pin down where they're synthesizing the artificial brain for Nemesis. I have warrants galore. You just need to stop Nemesis from making a new brain.

I want you to make sure that this process is stopped. Either shut down all the equipment in the lab or take out all of Nemesis' troops defending the place, either should stop the operation. With luck, we'll be able to not only stop Nemesis' plan, but also find out where Nemesis himself might be.

Part 15: Shut down brain lab equipment (16 pieces of apparatus to shut down)
Laboratory @ Brickstown

This base is full of activity. It was almost too easy to get in. Nemesis' troops must be too concerned with the final creation of the artificial brain to pay much attention to you.

Mission Complete: You shut down the lab, but the artificial brain was nowhere to be found. However, you did find a clue on one of the defeated Nemesis soldiers.

ClueOrders found on a Nemesis soldier

You found these orders on a defeated Nemesis soldier. Written on parchment paper in a precise hand, they supply partial information for the delivery of the completed artificial brain. The missing details would make it nearly impossible to find the location if you didn't have other sources of data to help fill them in.

Maxwell Christopher

You shut down the operation, but since there was no sign of the artificial brain itself, we either stopped them from making it at all and just won, or it's too late and Nemesis already has it. I'd like to believe it's the first option, but that would just be too lucky. Those orders you found may give us a chance to find out. I can probably fill in the missing information from all the records and info you've gathered about Nemesis' organization. It shouldn't take me too long.

Take down the Prussian Prince of Automatons

Maxwell Christopher

I was able to put it together, Red Tomax. I know where Nemesis had the artificial brain sent. I think Nemesis himself is probably still there. This is it. The big one. An actual chance, a shot a taking down the Prussian Prince of Automatons himself. He's killed untold people, destroyed lives, ruined nations, and held the whole world in terror for 180 years. He should be there for a while, probably recuperating from whatever strange thing he's done to himself, so you have a little time. When you have the people and resources you need, I'll give you the location.

The goal is simple. Defeat Nemesis and all the men and machines protecting him. You do that, this is all over.

It's weird. I'm kind of hesitant. I've spent all of my career, most of my life, chasing after Nemesis. Now that the moment's finally arrived, it doesn't seem real.

Part 16: Defeat Nemesis & his guards

This small lab feels somber. You enter knowing that this could well be the final battle against Nemesis.

Nemesis [Arch-Villain]
Nemesis has had over 100 years to perfect his armour and his combat skills. He is a formidable, and wily, opponent.

Mission Complete: You defeated Nemesis, the Prussian Prince of Automatons, ending his centuries of terror.

Maxwell Christopher

It's, it's over. Nemesis is defeated. I spoke with the crews on the scene, they told me that there was organic residue in the wreckage of both the mindless Nemesis and the Nemesis you fought. That means they couldn't have been fakes. They were the real deal. Nemesis is defeated.

There are still reports of Nemesis Army troops makign attacks. It will probably take them a while before they disband. They'll still need to be defeated if they threaten people, but that shouldn't take long. I just can't believe it's all over. They might be closing my post soon, re-assigning me tomore normal crimes. It'll be like a vacation. It just seemed too easy.

Too easy?

Oh no.

Oh no, no, no!

Red Tomax? What is we've been had? Nemesis always works in layers of deception. Plans within plans, right? What if this was one of them? If you were Nemesis, if you wanted to fake your death, but you knew that anything too obvious would be dismissed, you'd need a way to make sure that you really died, but could still get away. It sounds impossible, but what if that's what he did? Maybe he really did need a new brain, maybe he didn't, but what if the point of this was to make us know, or think we know, that he did? Then he lets us follow the trail of information, provokes other groups into massive operations that can't be ignored, and plays all sides against the other until he has everyone believing what he wants them to believe? Then he sacrifices a duplicate, and makes his escape.

Maybe it's far fetched. Maybe I'm rambling. Maybe I just don't want to believe it's over. But maybe, just maybe, I'm right?

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