Take out the Longbow supply depot


Take out the Longbow supply depot

Warzone Operative Massey

Longbow is doing their best to push Arachnos out of Siren's Call, and I hate to admit it, but they're not doing a bad job. We have to attack them from every angle. Longbow has a warehouse in the area where they're storing a bunch of their supplies. If you could take out that supply depot, it would help us a lot. Do it quickly though, before they can sound the alert. You only have an hour.

Take out everyone inside that supply depot. That'll shut it down for good.

Part 1: Defeat all agents in depot
Abandoned office @ Siren's Call Longbow

This is going to be a good fght.

Mission Complete: You wiped out the supply depot.

Warzone Operative Massey

Longbow will be a long time rebuilding that supply depot. Not to mention replacing their personnel. Good work, Dread Tomax.

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