Green Eyed Devils


Battle the Circle of Thorns around the Cascades

Lt. Col. Flynn

The Circle of Thorns has been stepping up their work around the Cascades, andthat's pretty much bad for everyone. This needs to be taken care of before they can get a major foothold out here.

The Circle's been sighted in a number of areas, so anyplace you can find them to fight is fine by me. just take out about 50 of them, that should set them back some.

Part 1: Battle the Circle around Cascades (Defeat 50 Circle of Thorns)
Defeat X @ Cascade Archipelago Circle of Thorns

Mission Complete: You have diminished the threat of the Circle of Thorns around the Cascades.

Lt. Col. Flynn

Those Circle of Thorns guys really get to me. It's good to know you got to them first. Thanks, Red Tomax.

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